The large crow drawing is an observational drawing worked during the winter of 2018- 2019.
The large watercolour spiral chronicle was painted concurrently with the drawing over a twelve month period.
The etchings were inspired by both the drawing and painting.
Crow Drawing: 127 * 76 cm
Spiral Chronicle 2018 122 x 122 cm.
Dry Point etchings. 25 x 25 cm.
Crow drawing
Spiral Chronicle 2018
The following drypoint etchings were inspired by both the above drawing and painting.
The Black Flag
The Silence of Lead
The Song of Hunger
A Parliament of Foules
The Dance of Foules.
The Beckoning
The Trickster
Beaten, Sky Blown
© Jacqueline M. A. Jarvis 2011-2025.
Contact me: jacqueline @